d&b solutions is a multi-faceted company, with UK technical production specialists – b+h, Congo Blue, ELP Broadcast Lighting, Production AV, Sound Foundation Ltd and White Light Ltd under its umbrella. d&b solutions operate in a range of markets such as theatre, corporate events, broadcast, live music, themed attractions, house of worship, education, retail and leisure. Our unique business model allows us to cater to our client’s needs while minimising impact on the environment and local community. White Light Ltd are proud to be a B-Corp, Albert and ISO 14001:2015 certified business. Targets have been set for other parts of d&b solutions to gain these accreditations by 2024.
This environmental policy will cover the entire operations at Wimbledon, Reading, Manchester, Cheltenham and Glasgow. Through the effective use of our environmental management system, d&b solutions will focus on minimising the impacts of our operations in these areas:
- Energy consumption
- Travel and transport
- Use of resources
- Use of water
- Waste
We commit to continuous improvement to prevent pollution and actively encourage good environmental behaviour at a corporate and individual level by:
- Monitoring our consumption of energy, water and materials and setting annual targets for reduction.
- Minimising waste by reducing consumption and developing effective waste management and recycling procedures.
- Ensuring that, where possible, we switch to sources that have a less harmful impact on the environment.
- Encouraging environmentally responsible personal and business travel, ensuring all d&b solutions employees are aware of our aims and expectations.
- Promoting environmental awareness amongst our employees, suppliers contractors and partners by implementation of operational procedures.
- Reducing the consumption of fossil fuels and adopting long-term strategies for energy efficiency into planning and development.
- Ensuring effective and expedient incident control, investigating and reporting. Complying with all legal and other requirements. We make it our business to know when new UK or EU legislation comes into force.
Environmental commitments and target setting
Through the function of our environmental management system, d&b solutions will annually review environmental objectives, setting strategies to ensure the minimisation of our environmental impact. As mentioned, d&b solutions are working towards B Corp and ISO 14001:2015 certification for the whole group. White Light have also set and published a carbon reduction plan in line with the UK government’s Net Zero commitments. This is based on the calculation of carbon reduction targets aligned with the Science Based Targets 1.5°C pathway. We plan to expand the coverage of this exercise across the entirety of d&b solutions. Through effective monitoring, regular review, and resource dedication, d&b solutions will ensure impact mitigation is consistent and aligned with our environmental commitments.
Responsibility for the Policy
Management and supervisory staff have responsibilities for the implementation of the policy and must ensure that environmental issues are given adequate consideration in the planning and day-to-day supervision of all work.
All employees and subcontractors are expected to co-operate and assist in the implementation of this policy, whilst ensuring that their own works, so far as reasonably practicable, are carried out without risk to themselves, others or the environment. This includes co-operating with management on any environment related matter.
The Facilities Manager is appointed as the Environmental Policy Officer (EPO) and is responsible for ensuring that appropriate arrangements are in place for effective implementation, monitoring and review of the policy.
The Directors have an overall responsibility for all environmental matters.
Implementation of the Policy
All company directors, in conjunction with the environmental policy officer are responsible for implementing the policy within the company. The EPO has the lead environmental policy role for company. This group should meet on a regular basis to facilitate translating the policy into action.
d&b solutions UK Limited will take all practical steps to ensure that potential hazards and risks to the environment are identified and that suitable and effective preventative and control measures are implemented. All employees will be provided with the necessary resources, equipment, information, instruction and training to fulfil the requirements of this policy.
Monitoring of environmental performance of suppliers.
We encourage our suppliers to provide similar environmental policies in an assurance that they assume similar responsibilities to our own. Our quality control procedures include regular monitoring of our suppliers and will address environmental issues should they arise. It is the responsibility of our employees to assess the quality and service of products entering the building both for hire and sale. We will also act on feedback from our end users as well as advise from our professional bodies; the main strategic one being PLASA (Professional Light and Sound Association). d&b solutions trades regularly with other European companies and International companies and acknowledges global environmental issues.
Review and monitoring of the policy.
The operation of this policy and the associated procedures will be monitored and reviewed on a regular basis to ensure that they remain constant and applicable to d&b solutions activities.
Signed: Tom Jeffery
Managing Director
October 2023